
8th Grade Graduation

Sant Bani School celebrated its 44th graduation on June 8th. The ceremony began with a parade of classes, and featured words of wisdom from middle school teachers Lynne Allen, Wendy Pietroniro and Abbey Symonds, invited to speak by the graduates.

“These young men and women are all superheros in their own right,” said Wendy Pietroniro, Middle School English teacher. “They are leaders and role models … they all think critically, remain positive for the most part, know the power of words, the importance of kindness, and the value of a good laugh. It is these young women and men sitting here now that we celebrate who will change the world for the better.”

Continuing a long-standing tradition, each graduating student also had the opportunity to speak to the assembled students and family members.

“Sant Bani feels like my home away from home,” said Katie Earle, eighth grader. “I have made so many memories here that I will never forget and so many friendships that I will never let go. This school has made me a better person and especially all the teachers who are always there to talk to and inspire me.”

The class of 2018 will study next year at the following public and independent high schools: Concord High School, Emma Willard, Franklin High School, Newfound High School, New Hampton School, Proctor Academy and Tilton School.