Performing Arts

Our goal is for students to have regular, meaningful and pleasurable experiences creating, learning, preparing, analyzing and performing works of Music, Theater and Dance. Through these experiences, students learn the satisfaction of being prepared and at ease whenever they have to present something to others, and they gain an increasing awareness of and appreciation for the role of the Performing Arts in the culture and in their own lives.

Staff - zdesmarais

Zac Desmarais

Music & Drama Teacher

Univ. of New Hampshire, BME

In grades K-2, Performing Arts is integrated into the daily classroom curriculum. In addition, there are seasonal celebrations and a yearly theatre production. Grades 3-6 have music/movement/drama class twice weekly, and an annual production. The entire sixth grade plays as a band twice weekly for over half the year.

Seventh and eighth graders have a daily theatre class for one trimester ending in an evening performance, and a music requirement that can be fulfilled through participation in private music lessons, After School Enrichment or STEAMS.

In addition, all students may participate in informal monthly recess concerts, or STEAMS and After School Enrichment options. Weekly Sharing Assemblies often provide opportunities to participate in or watch a performance by students or visiting artists.