Elementary School (K - 5)

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The Elementary School provides a foundation for lifelong learning. Value is placed on imagination, problem solving, social awareness, collaboration and communication.

Subject areas include Literacy, Science, Social Studies, Math, Music, Art, Spanish, Physical Education and Health Education. These are integrated throughout the day with social, emotional, physical and creative learning. Skills are taught according to developmental readiness, progressing from simple to complex skills throughout the grades. Classes are small and academics are presented by caring teachers in a supportive environment.

Teachers address a variety of learning styles through hands-on activities, group projects, alternative assessment, cross-curriculum integration, indoor and outdoor activities, special events and off-campus experiences. We believe children learn best when their learning is connected to real-life experiences and therefore construct integrated, inquiry based, thematic units of study that are focused on the interests and learning styles of current classes.

The Elementary School consists of: