Service Learning

Throughout the curriculum, we look for ways to open students’ hearts so they are aware of others and feel inspired and empowered to help them. We seek to provide positive learning experiences so students know that service is the lifeblood of their communities and a powerful source of personal happiness.

Teachers are always looking for ways to bring service into their classrooms, and service projects arise spontaneously depending on student interests and community needs. In addition to integrated service, choice offerings of service (STEAMS blocks, clubs) are popular.

September 11 and February 6, Sant Bani's version of Founders Days, are observed with an all-school day of service. Middle Schoolers participate in the International Coastal Cleanup at Hampton Beach every September, and in the spring the eighth grade helps Camp Wilmot open for the season.

In addition, three Family Service Work Day are scheduled through the year: one before the start of the school year, one in winter and one in spring. These are fun community-building events and also help with important projects that have a direct impact on the experience of our students.